Caring for Your Fresh Cut Christmas Tree; Tips and Tricks

The holiday season is synonymous with the tradition of decorating a cut Christmas tree. However, to keep your tree looking fresh and vibrant throughout the season, it’s important to take proper care of it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to take care of your fresh cut Douglas fir Christmas tree.

Step 1: Make a Fresh Cut

Before you set up your tree, make a fresh cut straight across the trunk about an inch from the bottom. The reason for this is that when a tree is cut, it produces sap that seals its pores. By making a fresh cut, you’re removing the sap seal and allowing the tree to take up water.

Step 2: Water Your Tree

Immediately after making the fresh cut, place your tree in water. The tree will absorb most of the water during the first few hours and days. Check the water level daily and make sure it doesn’t go below the base of the tree. A good rule of thumb is to provide one quart of water per inch of stem diameter. It’s also important to use a stand that fits your tree. Avoid striping off the bark to make the tree fit into a stand. The outer layers of wood transport the water up the trunk of the tree to support the branches and needles, do not remove it. 

Step 3: Choose the Right Location

Place your tree away from heat sources like fireplaces, radiators, heating vents, and direct sunlight. These can dry out your tree faster. The location should also be easily accessible but not block any exits or pathways. For safety reasons, it should be kept away from open flames or heat sources.

Step 4: Keep Your Home Cool

If possible, try to keep your home’s temperature on the cooler side. Heat and dry air can take a toll on a living pine tree. Consider using a humidifier in the room where you place your Christmas tree; this can help slow down the drying process.

Step 5: Use Miniature Lights

Miniature lights produce less heat and reduce the drying effect on the tree or any potential fire hazard. When stringing the tree with lights, make sure to look for small exposed wires and missing bulbs before placing them on the tree. If worn, replace with a new set. Do not overload electrical circuits.

Step 6: Dispose of Your Tree Properly

After Christmas, don’t leave or store your tree in your home or garage. Take advantage of a local Christmas tree recycling programs. Douglas fir trees have a lot of sap, burning the Christmas tree in your home could spark a fire as the sticky sap snaps and pops. 

Enjoy your Fresh Christmas Tree for Weeks to Come

Taking care of a cut Christmas tree might seem like a daunting task, but with these steps, you can keep your tree fresh and vibrant throughout the holiday season. Remember, the key to keeping your Christmas tree looking its best is water. So keep that water coming and enjoy a beautiful Christmas season! 🎄